How to get a country to become paperless in less than a decade?
This is what we set out to answer with Côte d'Ivoire this past year and here's what we learned.
🚩 The government of Cote d’Ivoire has done some considerable work over the past years to build an initial set of digital services and introduce the core legal framework elements. However, the fundamental principles, policy and technological foundations required to implement a fully digital government were not there yet. The foundations of digital governance were not ready and actual digital service offering was very limited.
📝 Digital Nation crafted an ambitious yet achievable vision for a Zero-Paper Cote d'Ivoire by 2030. By realising this vision, Côte d'Ivoire has great potential for becoming the Continental front- runner for public service availability and quality. Cote d’Ivoire’s government will always be open and accessible for its citizens. This all entails significant reductions of bureaucracy whilst saving money and time for everyone.
📈 Digital Nation mapped the country with our Nation’s Digital Governance Future-Readiness Framework which takes 12 pillars of Digital Readiness into account to build a solid foundation for the whole-of-government approach to full digital transformation.
📌 Based on the assessment, we developed an effective and impactful digital government roadmap „Zero Paper Cote d’Ivoire by 2030“.We composed the roadmap with a dual-track approach to lay the foundations for transforming the whole government fully digital and at the same time deliver quick wins in parallel.
🌍 By implementing this vision and roadmap, Côte d'Ivoire will become a digital leader in Africa, in alignment with the nation's aspirations. This leadership entails not only offering a wide array of digital public services but also ensuring their availability and quality, ultimately translating into tangible and positive impacts on the lives of its citizens.
🤝 We'd like to thank the Honourable Patrick Achi, the Prime Minister of Côte d'Ivoire along with his office and SNDI - Société Nationale de Développement Informatique headed by Nongolougo Soro for entrusting us with this mission and DIGITAL AFRIQUE TELECOM for partnering with us to deliver this roadmap.